Publication Design

The Ask

MaRS is a Toronto-based hub for startups, research and innovation. Their mission is to drive positive global impact as the partner of choice for entrepreneurs and innovators. MaRS was interested in publishing a regular magazine to help communicate the benefits of their partnership, as well as innovations made possible through their involvement.

Our Solution

Our aim was to reflect both the spirit of modern innovation, as well as the entrepreneurial professionalism of MaRS through our art direction and editorial design. We combined stories of new tech and research with custom artwork and photoshoots produced in-house to create two books showcasing the sphere of influence MaRS has in its given industries, and on Canada as a whole.

MaRS Magazine
Publication Design

Innovating the Future, One Story at a Time


MaRS Discovery District


Art Direction
Editorial Design




Crafting magazines that effectively translate the complex world of MaRS' startups, research, and entrepreneurial spirit into engaging narratives, reinforcing MaRS' position as a global leader in innovation and a hub for transformative ideas.

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In the heart of Toronto's innovation hub, MaRS Discovery District stands as a beacon of progress, fostering groundbreaking ideas that shape the future. This vibrant ecosystem, teeming with startups, researchers, and visionaries, thrives on the exchange of ideas and the pursuit of innovation. Yet, the challenge lay in effectively capturing and conveying the richness and diversity of these innovations to a wider audience, beyond the immediate boundaries of the scientific and entrepreneurial communities.

MaRS faced a unique challenge: to articulate the intricate tapestry of innovation, research, and entrepreneurial spirit that defines it. This was not just about showcasing individual success stories; it was about weaving a narrative that resonates with the collective ethos of MaRS, illustrating its role as a hub of innovation and a catalyst for change.


A go-to authority on Canadian tech and innovation.

Made by Emblem stepped in to craft a series of custom-published magazines for MaRS. Through a blend of captivating design and insightful content, Made by Emblem translated the complex world of innovation into a publication that engages, inspires, and informs a diverse audience.

MaRS Discovery District not only amplified its narrative but also reinforced its position as a global leader in innovation. The magazine has become a staple of the Collision Conference (Canada’s fastest-growing tech conference). This project is a testament to the power of strategic design and storytelling in bringing to light the dynamic and multifaceted world of innovation.

Translating the complex world of Canadian start-ups and innovation onto a page.

“The feedback has been extremely positive…And it looks gorgeous!”

- Kathryn Hayward, Director of Content